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2i's - TO EYES




品牌創立於台灣, 團隊成員由香港及台灣組成。 "2i's" 取 "TO EYES" 的諧音意味著品牌概念從靈魂之窗出發, 又帶著 "Interesting" 和 "Inspiring"  的 two i 含意。

致力於眼鏡產品的創造,  2i’s 相信眼鏡不單單是一個工具, 每一支都有各自的故事, 能夠為我們增添不同氣質色彩, 透過配戴者本身而而賦予其獨特的靈魂。

人生就是一個漫長的旅途, 每一位都有一段獨特的歷程, 我們懷著對流浪的嚮往與自由的追求, 於沿途奔跑, 記錄, 尋找自我; 不只是用眼, 也用心 -  Explore Your Desires



2i’s was established by a team with members from Taiwan and Hong Kong, and started its brand journey from Taiwan.

The name “2i’s” comes from the homophonic of “TO EYES”, expressing the idea that we aim to serve the windows of our soul. This name also implies two “I” words, “Interesting” and “Inspiring”, which best describes the brand image we try to build.

We believe that eyeglasses are more than just tools for people. Glasses reflect stories of people who wear them and play a critical role on the building of different styles. This is why a well-designed frame like our product is so important.

Life is a long journey, by taking adventures to find the true-self and collecting valuable moments to fill our soul, through our eyes and hearts.

This is what our slogan state - Explore Your Desires.
















眼鏡已成為時尚配搭不可或缺的部份, 通過一個簡單的鏡框, 可以表現出各個不一樣的內涵和韻味。

2i’s 提供了眾多不同的產品線包括 手工板材鏡框(Handmade Acetate), 戶外輕便型太陽眼鏡(Colors! Sunglasses) , 以及原木太陽眼鏡系列(Wooden Sunglasses), 無論從做工, 設計, 材質等等各方面, 都務求最切合不同使用者的需求。


手工板材鏡框 系列

以手工打造帶出眼鏡的溫潤質感, 本系列鏡框皆以板料(醋酸纖維 Acetate) 為主材料,

復古與知性為基底, 依照東方人臉形設計, 經典中融合時尚感, 配合手工制作創造出高質感的設計鏡框。

*板料乃以棉花纖維及石油副產品一層一層貼合制作成板塊, 制作時再一步一步的切割成框形, 材質耐用, 色澤多變而富光澤。



Colors! 太陽眼鏡 系列

以 “Define Your Colors” 作出發點, 設計為戶外輕便型太陽眼鏡,

大部份選用輕巧的塑料材質, 追求繽紛及活力感。

大膽多變的色彩元素, 展現年青, 不拘一格的形象, 充滿活潑的陽光感,

帶著它踏遍世界各地美景, 從內到外創造自己獨特的繽紛色彩!





原木太陽眼鏡 系列

以自然純粹為概念, 採用純天然木材為主材料,

選擇原木切割,  除表面保護的護木油外,  

不添加其他過分修飾,  以最原始的木紋,  呈現最純粹的天然美感。





除眼鏡產品外, 2i’s 也著力於提供更多不同種類而相關聯的配件,

例如眼鏡盒, 純手工真皮包, 眼鏡繩, traveller bag 等等。

全都經由2i’s 團隊自家或配合其他手作家品牌共同創造,





Eyewear has been changing from an essential tool that helps us to see things to a significant part that help build the modern fashion.

“2i’s” provides a wide range of eyewear product lines to suit various needs, including the Handmade Acetate Optical Glasses, Sunglasses for outdoor activities (Colors! Sunglasses and the Wooden Sunglasses), and other handmade eyewear supplement products. We spent large amount of time and effort on survey and research before we put out a new product. This is to make sure that every part of our products, from the materials we use to the designs and colors, can do the best to meet different needs.


Handmade Acetate Frame

The handcrafted glasses in this line are all made from Cellulose acetate. It is a natural and renewable material that comes from wood pulp or cotton linters. This selected material enables us to create fine quality frames that are durable, lightweight, and rich colored.


Colors! Sunglasses

With the concept of “Define Your Colors”, 2i’s designs the Colors! Sunglasses specially for travels and outdoor activities.

We picked light and portable plastics as the raw material for these sunglasses, so you can wear them to enjoy any activities and do not feel any pressure after an entire day. The different colors of materials add a young and energetic image to the product and to your journey. From the basic rectangle frame to the classic round shape frame, 2i’s provides the most stunning shades for the summer. The variety of color and frame options satisfies your needs to match with different styles of outfits, different occasions, and even different moods. These sunglasses are surely your best and most attractive companions in the sun.


Wooden Sunglasses

The wooden collection of sunglasses brings the absolute natural and stylish feeling. Selecting the raw wood carefully and minimizing the manipulation through production, the elegant wooden sunglasses are carried out by skillful craftsmanship. You can enjoy the original wood texture by fitting on our wooden sunglasses.


Other Handmade Eyewear Supplement Products

The supplement products include glasses case, handbags with the glasses case, T-shirt and some other accessories. These products are either self-designed or shared design products with other craftsmen. We try to bring multi-function supplement products to the customers with the higher/special requirement of products.


2i's 的手工板材眼鏡, 多採用板料鏡架, 耐用穩固, 色彩能夠多變而富光澤。

與路邊販售的射出膠橍不同, 我們的橍架全採用優質板料切割精制而成,

而通過與生產商的直接接觸, 加上定期派員到各合作商檢視溝通並確保質素,

在降低不必要成本下, 提供價格親民而最佳品質的鏡架。


我們亦提供從 2i's TO EYES 購買的光學眼鏡一年免費保養服務,

請保留購買眼鏡架時附屬的保養卡, 我們將會致力為您提供最佳的服務和品質。 




為保障最佳的鏡架質素, 我們為光學鏡架提供一年的免費保養服務 。

在保養期內, 正常情況使用下發生問題, 或需要為鏡架保養, 拋光等, 皆可享有免費保固維修服務。

請保留原保養卡, 需要維修保養鏡架時, 請將保養卡以及連同完整商品一併寄回, 我們將為您提供最好的免費的保固服務。


*因人為的使用不當, 而造成的鏡架損壞, 不包括在內,

在這情況下, 我們依然會盡力為您提供維修服務。




**本保養服務只包括產品本身, 並不包含其他任何附件及贈品。

退貨/ 換貨


1. 如因瑕疵因素需要換貨, 請您先將瑕疵部位拍照下來

2. 電郵至 或 以粉絲頁私訊:聯繫我們 聯繫我們

2. 收到電郵回復確認資料後,請把眼鏡連原包裝以及所有附件, 包裝妥當, 郵寄至我們退貨地址。

3. 我們收到後會立即處理你的要求, 並在3-4個工作天完成退/ 換貨流程。






1. 退/ 換貨時, 產品須保證無任何損壞, 為原包裝時狀態。

2. 退/ 換貨時, 產品須保持原包裝及附送貨品齊全, 不影響二次銷售。

3. 退/ 換貨時, 請先電郵我們, 確保退/換貨流程順暢。

4. 退/ 換貨時, 請依指示確保包裝安全妥當, 若在退貨途中因包裝問題而使產品損壞, 本公司保留追究責任權力。

5. 如有任何問題, 歡迎電郵:  或 以粉絲頁私訊: 聯繫我們。



因此我們提供長達 七 天鑑賞期,

在您收到貨品的 七 天內, 都可以申請退貨或換貨。


2i's 在送出眼鏡前都會作檢查,  確保完整性,如收到貨品後發現有重大瑕疵,


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